Thursday, November 20, 2014

Journal Entry? Or Blog?

Well, guess who has been falling behind on their blogging! That would be this girl.

I know you all must have missed my unintentional ramblings for the past two months or so! So, I figured it was time to write again. (Just kidding about missing me.)

Things have finally slowed down a little in my world! With the holidays coming up, I really wanted to focus my efforts on spending time with those closest to me and soaking up every ounce of memories. Since my last post, I have traveled to Omaha, Texas to work with a select group of 4-H and FFA members and their projects, I visited Texas Children's Hospital in Houston and met with some of the epilepsy patients (who might I add were quite inspiring), I have crowned the new Mrs. Texas United States at a local fire department, I attended a Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Go Texan Scholarship banquet where I spoke about how the scholarship and organization impacted my education and life, and I was also able to speak at my local county fair to the calf scramble participants about leadership and impact and how that plays a role in success. WHEWWWW!

Lots of miles, lots of people, lots of inspiration and a million blessings. When I look back on how the past 4-5 months have changed my life, I honestly don't even know where to begin. My reign is not even halfway over and I am already a changed person. Honestly, I entered the pageant to get out of my comfort zone, to do something different, and to get in better shape. I have always considered myself shy and self-conscious (don't tell anyone), so what better way to break those insecurities than to enter a pageant! I knew that with winning would come platforms and public speaking events and those sorts of things, which honestly is the reason some decide to compete in pageants in the first place; but for me it was different. And I think that is okay. I think we all have reasons for certain decisions in our lives, and regardless of whether you enter a pageant to better yourself personally or if you enter a pageant to impact others and spread a message; there is still purpose. Fortunately, regardless of the trigger, with one comes the other. For example, even though I entered my state pageant for personal reasons, I am now able to give back and speak about things that I am passionate about. My title gave me an avenue to do so. Now if you entered because you have a platform to promote, I would put money on the fact that you grew personally. You probably have more self confidence (I mean HELLO! You had to stand on a stage in a swim suit.), you are probably stronger and more aware of the person you truly are (interview coaching will do that to ya.). Regardless of the reason, you grow, you share, you inspire, and you become a better you.

I am not saying I am a perfect version of Beth, but then again what fun would that be? Besides, I am a firm believer in that we aren't living this life for ourselves, we live it to glorify Him. Every action, every impact, every decision... And honestly, I have a feeling that He finds you and me perfectly imperfect <3

After the holidays, I am so excited to be able to work with more 4-H and FFA members, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and many others that I have on my agenda! Keep on keepin' on my friends!

Love to you turkeys for Thanksgiving! <3

Friday, September 5, 2014

Past, Present, and Future...


I am so excited to be writing a little on some things I have been doing as well as some future plans! Needless to say, I have been busy busy busy! But, I am loving EVERY minute of it. In August, I had the opportunity to work with some youth 4-H and FFA members and their livestock projects in Duncan, Oklahoma! This is always so fun for me because I grew up in these programs, and they
honestly completely shaped me into the person I am today. It is so inspiring and uplifting to see these kids put every ounce of effort into something they are so passionate about, and knowing the personal reward they will experience growing up by doing so, is an AWESOME feeling!  I also had the opportunity to go to Chicago, Illinois (for the first time ever!) to judge the Miss Illinois USA pageant! Talk about exciting! It was the first pageant I have ever judged and it was so much fun! It was interesting to be on the other side of things for sure! It was honestly the most intelligent, driven,
and passionate group of young women I have ever met! Every single contestant had such an emotional story and journey that their lives have taken them on.  It just goes to show that our dreams are nothing short of obtainable if we strive and believe. It was an incredible experience! I can't wait to watch the newly crowned Miss Illinois 2015 compete at USA! AGH!

This coming weekend, I am going to Mount Pleasant, TX to work with another group of 4-H and FFA members with their projects! SO.MUCH.FUN. I can't wait to meet this group of kids and see how much they are learning throughout their experiences.  Next weekend, I am heading to Houston, TX for a ton of exciting things! I am getting the opportunity to go to Texas Children's Hospital and meet with some of their patients. I am so excited to meet with these kids and their families and hear some of their stories. I know it will be a life changing experience to say the least.  I am also doing the OFFICIAL CROWNING of the new Mrs. Texas 2014, Summer Wagner! SO PUMPED! I know she will make a GREAT titleholder this coming year and that she will do amazing things! We are getting to do this at a super fancy and awesome fire station in Houston, all thanks to Mrs. Amanda Peschel with Branded Light Photography! She got the whole event arranged for us AND she is even coming to take photos of the event! She makes me so appreciative for our friendship because outside of the fact that she is so selfless and caring, she is an amazing photographer, friend, and person! Can't wait to see her this weekend! Oh, and I forgot to mention that she just designed and sponsored my new autograph cards; which I should have by next week! They are fabulous!

HMM... I think that is all that is going on right now... All that I can think of anyways! Oh wait! We celebrated my perfect little niece's 1st birthday!
I love her more than life! And, I have a few photoshoots coming up that I am so excited about because I get to work with some extremely talented makeup artists and photographers! So, be watching for those!

I LOVE YOU FRIENDS! Remember, life is as perfect as you make it.

Mrs. United States 2014, Beth Isbell

***Yes, that is me! Never stop, not even for a second  ---->

Monday, August 25, 2014

Food for Thought.

I cannot believe it is almost September!

All of the back to school posts from teachers, parents, and students this morning really made me reflect on the past 24.5 years of this life I am so blessed to be living. As cliché as it sounds, it honestly feels like just yesterday I was anxiously attending my first college class where I sat in the back and looked around trying to find someone to befriend. It really is amazing how time files.

I can remember the exact feeling of impatience, excitement, and anxiety I felt nearing high school graduation.. Sometimes I think the reason the feeling is so vivid to me is because I felt the same feeling as I neared my final semester during my undergraduate. I could not wait to graduate high school and be "free" (whatever that meant). I couldn't wait to do what I wanted, not have a curfew, and to finally be an "adult." Even though my juvenile brain didn't realize that nothing about moving out of the house and onto college made me officially an "adult." Just because I was 18 and legally responsible for myself, I still was just a kid regardless of how grown up I tried to act (or didn't act).  My college years flew by.. Literally FLEW.. But, there was no stopping my anxiousness there! I had met the man I knew I would spend forever with and I was so ready to get started! Problem was, he lived 9 hours away. So, that could only mean one thing in my naïve mind right? I have to HURRY and finish grad. school so we can get married and live happily ever after! That caused me to finish my undergrad. in 3 short years. Now, don't get me wrong. I would definitely not go back and do things differently, because as I sit here and write this blog today, I am by far he happiest I have ever been in my entire life because of this beautiful man I get to spend the rest of my life with (not to brag or anything!). But, I do have a point.

Whether it is your first day of kinder garden, junior high, high school, college, or your senior year. ENJOY it.  I know you probably have heard that a lot as of recent, but I mean it more than anyone! (Just kidding, but seriously.) You will never get these years back. They will be your fondest
memories one day when your old and gray like me (just kidding again). Life and it's journey is so
precious and so worth living every single second of to ever look back and regret how fast you let it pass you by. It is one thing about the life I live with my husband that I value the most. We LOVE life, and we love life together. We stay busy, yes. And sometimes, it makes the days seem like we need more hours in them. But, life does not pass us by.

Get out. Enjoy. Love. Laugh. And most importantly, LIVE. Because you are so worth it. <3

Wednesday, July 30, 2014


Well, this is my OFFICIAL first blog as Mrs. United States 2014! I am still in such shock that I was able to accomplish what was once just a dream of mine. I am so excited for my year as Mrs. United States and have a ton of big things in store! I am still recuperating from my trip to Las Vegas and trying to get back in the swing of things, but you just wait!

I initially was going to post a blog to thank everyone that played a role in my success, but then I realized the blog would be 10 pages long and you may not want to read through all of that jazz! But, I do want to briefly say THANK YOU to everyone that sponsored, donated, watched, cheered, prayed, and just thought of me throughout this entire process. It means the WORLD and I honestly would not have been able to obtain this title without each and every one of you. The comments, messages, text, and phone calls have allowed me to realize once again, just how blessed I am with the best friends and family a girl could have possibly hand picked herself.  Now, onto the blog :]

I think it becomes so easy to get caught up in the every day life that we live here on earth. Honestly, it is part of the reason why I entered the pageant to begin with. Sometimes, not just women, but people in general become so complacent with life and the way things are, that we never push ourselves to set new goals and strive to reach them. I, as well as YOU, am extremely guilty of this. Especially once we finish school, get married, and settle down (add kids to the mix if you choose to!); life is just that, life. But what does that even mean? To me, life means different things to different people. To some, "life" is waking up, getting your husband off to work, getting dressed, working 9-5pm, coming home, cooking dinner, getting caught up on your favorite reality tv shows, and going to bed.. REPEAT! Others may see "life" as waking up, getting the kids dressed in the midst of trying to brush your own hair, eating and feeding breakfast, rushing out of the door, work, pick the kids up, dinner, bedtime stories, sleep, REPEAT! There are literally a million different scenarios. Regardless of your daily routine, don't ever be complacent. STRIVE. Although I am not a mother YET, I do realize that this is easier said then done when so many years of your own life is completely poured into raising your children. But, please... For the sake of yourself, don't forget about YOU. Because YOU matter too. That is what I LOVE about this pageant system. We can be beautiful, smart, accomplished, intelligent, accomplished women AND still incorporate our families into the mix! How amazing is that? You can have all of these things, be successful at them all, AND raise a family. Women are super hero's if you ask me.

Although some may poke fun at the fact that I overextend myself (and heck, maybe I do!), I am always busy, or why don't I just "rest" and quit adding things to my plate; I LOVE staying busy! It keeps life exciting and there's always something to look forward to! Now, I wouldn't say I'm "overextended" because as busy as I stay, I have enough time for dinner with my husband every night, and a few weekends here and there for trips! My husband (Brett) is the most supportive and genuine person I have ever met! (Not to get sidetracked :]) I couldn't accomplish half of the things I have in life without him by my side (or running behind me to catch up!) Now that I am done blabbing, I should probably wrap this up with the message I really intended to leave you with (not some story about my daily routine!)

LIVE! People, you have to LIVE! And no one, but YOURSELF can define what that means. Because to some, that may be rushing out of the door, working 9-5pm, cooking dinner, and repeating. For others like myself, it may entail more than that. But, SO WHAT. Only you can define the life you want to live, on a daily basis, or in the big scheme of things. But remember, in order to reap a benefit or obtain a reward, we have to work for it; and sometimes, that means sacrificing a few hours of sleep!

Don't let ANYONE make you feel like your life isn't all that it should be, besides yourself. If you aren't happy with the "normal," CHANGE IT. If you are satisfied with the simplicity of your life, LIVE IT. Everyday, every minute; you control.

I'm not sure if I got my point across or if I just blabbed in a round about, non sense making way, but either way; I LOVE YOU and YOU ARE AWESOME; regardless of your daily routine.

Mrs. United States 2014 <-- That still feels weird! <3