Monday, August 25, 2014

Food for Thought.

I cannot believe it is almost September!

All of the back to school posts from teachers, parents, and students this morning really made me reflect on the past 24.5 years of this life I am so blessed to be living. As cliché as it sounds, it honestly feels like just yesterday I was anxiously attending my first college class where I sat in the back and looked around trying to find someone to befriend. It really is amazing how time files.

I can remember the exact feeling of impatience, excitement, and anxiety I felt nearing high school graduation.. Sometimes I think the reason the feeling is so vivid to me is because I felt the same feeling as I neared my final semester during my undergraduate. I could not wait to graduate high school and be "free" (whatever that meant). I couldn't wait to do what I wanted, not have a curfew, and to finally be an "adult." Even though my juvenile brain didn't realize that nothing about moving out of the house and onto college made me officially an "adult." Just because I was 18 and legally responsible for myself, I still was just a kid regardless of how grown up I tried to act (or didn't act).  My college years flew by.. Literally FLEW.. But, there was no stopping my anxiousness there! I had met the man I knew I would spend forever with and I was so ready to get started! Problem was, he lived 9 hours away. So, that could only mean one thing in my naïve mind right? I have to HURRY and finish grad. school so we can get married and live happily ever after! That caused me to finish my undergrad. in 3 short years. Now, don't get me wrong. I would definitely not go back and do things differently, because as I sit here and write this blog today, I am by far he happiest I have ever been in my entire life because of this beautiful man I get to spend the rest of my life with (not to brag or anything!). But, I do have a point.

Whether it is your first day of kinder garden, junior high, high school, college, or your senior year. ENJOY it.  I know you probably have heard that a lot as of recent, but I mean it more than anyone! (Just kidding, but seriously.) You will never get these years back. They will be your fondest
memories one day when your old and gray like me (just kidding again). Life and it's journey is so
precious and so worth living every single second of to ever look back and regret how fast you let it pass you by. It is one thing about the life I live with my husband that I value the most. We LOVE life, and we love life together. We stay busy, yes. And sometimes, it makes the days seem like we need more hours in them. But, life does not pass us by.

Get out. Enjoy. Love. Laugh. And most importantly, LIVE. Because you are so worth it. <3

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