I initially was going to post a blog to thank everyone that played a role in my success, but then I realized the blog would be 10 pages long and you may not want to read through all of that jazz! But, I do want to briefly say THANK YOU to everyone that sponsored, donated, watched, cheered, prayed, and just thought of me throughout this entire process. It means the WORLD and I honestly would not have been able to obtain this title without each and every one of you. The comments, messages, text, and phone calls have allowed me to realize once again, just how blessed I am with the best friends and family a girl could have possibly hand picked herself. Now, onto the blog :]
I think it becomes so easy to get caught up in the every day life that we live here on earth. Honestly, it is part of the reason why I entered the pageant to begin with. Sometimes, not just women, but people in general become so complacent with life and the way things are, that we never push ourselves to set new goals and strive to reach them. I, as well as YOU, am extremely guilty of this. Especially once we finish school, get married, and settle down (add kids to the mix if you choose to!); life is just that, life. But what does that even mean? To me, life means different things to different people. To some, "life" is waking up, getting your husband off to work, getting dressed, working 9-5pm, coming home, cooking dinner, getting caught up on your favorite reality tv shows, and going to bed.. REPEAT! Others may see "life" as waking up, getting the kids dressed in the midst of trying to brush your own hair, eating and feeding breakfast, rushing out of the door, work, pick the kids up, dinner, bedtime stories, sleep, REPEAT! There are literally a million different scenarios. Regardless of your daily routine, don't ever be complacent. STRIVE. Although I am not a mother YET, I do realize that this is easier said then done when so many years of your own life is completely poured into raising your children. But, please... For the sake of yourself, don't forget about YOU. Because YOU matter too. That is what I LOVE about this pageant system. We can be beautiful, smart, accomplished, intelligent, accomplished women AND still incorporate our families into the mix! How amazing is that? You can have all of these things, be successful at them all, AND raise a family. Women are super hero's if you ask me.
Although some may poke fun at the fact that I overextend myself (and heck, maybe I do!), I am always busy, or why don't I just "rest" and quit adding things to my plate; I LOVE staying busy! It keeps life exciting and there's always something to look forward to! Now, I wouldn't say I'm "overextended" because as busy as I stay, I have enough time for dinner with my husband every night, and a few weekends here and there for trips! My husband (Brett) is the most supportive and genuine person I have ever met! (Not to get sidetracked :]) I couldn't accomplish half of the things I have in life without him by my side (or running behind me to catch up!) Now that I am done blabbing, I should probably wrap this up with the message I really intended to leave you with (not some story about my daily routine!)
LIVE! People, you have to LIVE! And no one, but YOURSELF can define what that means. Because to some, that may be rushing out of the door, working 9-5pm, cooking dinner, and repeating. For others like myself, it may entail more than that. But, SO WHAT. Only you can define the life you want to live, on a daily basis, or in the big scheme of things. But remember, in order to reap a benefit or obtain a reward, we have to work for it; and sometimes, that means sacrificing a few hours of sleep!
Don't let ANYONE make you feel like your life isn't all that it should be, besides yourself. If you aren't happy with the "normal," CHANGE IT. If you are satisfied with the simplicity of your life, LIVE IT. Everyday, every minute; you control.
Mrs. United States 2014 <-- That still feels weird! <3
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