Thursday, November 20, 2014

Journal Entry? Or Blog?

Well, guess who has been falling behind on their blogging! That would be this girl.

I know you all must have missed my unintentional ramblings for the past two months or so! So, I figured it was time to write again. (Just kidding about missing me.)

Things have finally slowed down a little in my world! With the holidays coming up, I really wanted to focus my efforts on spending time with those closest to me and soaking up every ounce of memories. Since my last post, I have traveled to Omaha, Texas to work with a select group of 4-H and FFA members and their projects, I visited Texas Children's Hospital in Houston and met with some of the epilepsy patients (who might I add were quite inspiring), I have crowned the new Mrs. Texas United States at a local fire department, I attended a Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Go Texan Scholarship banquet where I spoke about how the scholarship and organization impacted my education and life, and I was also able to speak at my local county fair to the calf scramble participants about leadership and impact and how that plays a role in success. WHEWWWW!

Lots of miles, lots of people, lots of inspiration and a million blessings. When I look back on how the past 4-5 months have changed my life, I honestly don't even know where to begin. My reign is not even halfway over and I am already a changed person. Honestly, I entered the pageant to get out of my comfort zone, to do something different, and to get in better shape. I have always considered myself shy and self-conscious (don't tell anyone), so what better way to break those insecurities than to enter a pageant! I knew that with winning would come platforms and public speaking events and those sorts of things, which honestly is the reason some decide to compete in pageants in the first place; but for me it was different. And I think that is okay. I think we all have reasons for certain decisions in our lives, and regardless of whether you enter a pageant to better yourself personally or if you enter a pageant to impact others and spread a message; there is still purpose. Fortunately, regardless of the trigger, with one comes the other. For example, even though I entered my state pageant for personal reasons, I am now able to give back and speak about things that I am passionate about. My title gave me an avenue to do so. Now if you entered because you have a platform to promote, I would put money on the fact that you grew personally. You probably have more self confidence (I mean HELLO! You had to stand on a stage in a swim suit.), you are probably stronger and more aware of the person you truly are (interview coaching will do that to ya.). Regardless of the reason, you grow, you share, you inspire, and you become a better you.

I am not saying I am a perfect version of Beth, but then again what fun would that be? Besides, I am a firm believer in that we aren't living this life for ourselves, we live it to glorify Him. Every action, every impact, every decision... And honestly, I have a feeling that He finds you and me perfectly imperfect <3

After the holidays, I am so excited to be able to work with more 4-H and FFA members, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo, and many others that I have on my agenda! Keep on keepin' on my friends!

Love to you turkeys for Thanksgiving! <3

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